The Delivery and Receptivity of the Gospel

Jun 25, 2023    Cary Jester

As we continue in our study of Acts, we continue in the missionary journey of Paul and Silas. They come to the cities of Thessalonica and Berea where Luke, the author of Acts, described different responses to the message about Jesus. Paul reasoned, explained, proved, proclaimed, and persuaded from the Scriptures about the great story of the gospel. We see that the receptivity of the message of the gospel wasn't up to Paul. In a similar way, the receptivity of the gospel isn't up to us. We are responsible for the delivery of the good news about Jesus, but the receptivity of its hearers depends upon the work and grace of God. The biblical preaching of the gospel turned the world upside down and continues to change our lives as well. The message of the gospel doesn't change, but the way in which the gospel is delivered changes. Jesus meets us where we're at, so we want to meet others where they're at.