The Appeal

Oct 8, 2023    Daniel Englehart

As we continue in our study through the book of Acts, this week we consider the story of Paul's appeal to Caesar in Acts 25:1-27. As Justin Holcomb writes in the Gospel Transformation Study Bible notes, "It is unlikely that Paul ever imagined that his journey to Rome would occur in chains. But Paul was confident that God would fulfill his promise (23:11), and he knew that God's sovereignty works even through convoluted legal structures. Knowing that God is in control and that his gospel will ultimately triumph allow us, like Paul, to take creative risks for God and trust him in the times of confusion and suffering." In the providence of God, the injustice Paul faced from Roman governors, was the outworking of God's will for him to testify in Rome.

The story invites us to consider who we appeal to in times of trouble. Who do you appeal to for justice? Who or what do you appeal to when you're not heard or seen? Christians can appeal to God because of the person and work of Jesus. If you receive Jesus, if you believe in His name, you are given the right to become a child of God. You can draw near to God, not only in times of trouble, but in all of life for help, comfort, and wisdom.