Next Steps

Have you decided to follow Jesus, visited a worship gathering and want to learn more, or want to get more involved?


Jesus called his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus calls his followers to get baptized, or immersed in water, to demonstrate that they have been washed clean and trusted in Jesus. Baptism symbolizes that the old self has been buried with Jesus and they have been raised to walk a new kind of life. Baptism also is how people tell the world that they are now a Christian! In Christ, a person is united with Jesus in his death, burial, and resurrection. They are now members in the global church, the redeemed family of God.

Community Groups

Community Groups are one of the best ways to get connected to The Mountain Church. They are a place where you can say, "I belong." In our community groups we share honestly. We seek to cultivate a culture of grace as we seek to discuss and apply the gospel to daily life. Community Groups are for everyone at any stage of life: single, married, engaged, kids, no kids, retired, college aged, and everything in-between. There are no barriers here, just show up and be encouraged. In Community Groups you can makes friends and grow as a follower of Jesus.  


We are a community of faith that seeks to worship and follow Jesus as the head of our church. We seek to have the gospel at the center of our church life and the Bible as our authority and guide. We believe the teaching of Jesus and the Apostles in the Bible points us toward church membership for our encouragement, protection, and instruction. Below you'll find a more detailed reasoning as to why we practice church membership, the covenant that we make with one another, and the pledge to be a community of peace.


Jesus defined greatness as becoming a servant (Mark 10:42-45). As Jesus as served us, we are called to serve others. We have been called to freedom and to use our freedom to serve one another through love. Each of Jesus' followers has received a gift and are to use that gift to serve others as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).