True Safety In The Storm

Oct 22, 2023    Daniel Englehart

As we continue in our study through the book of Acts, this week we look at Paul's journey to Rome. Paul sets sail to Rome, but experiences a storm and shipwreck. After Paul receives a revelation from God that everyone will be safe, he encourages the crew to "take heart." All who are onboard are brought safely to land, just as God promised. The story shows that nothing can thwart God's purpose. God protects and provides for Paul. The story invites us to take heart and be encouraged.

We don't know what our journey will look like, but we have a firm foundation and hope that God will lead us and we will reach our ultimate destination. If you believe in Jesus, have faith in God and His Word, if you believe that you belong to God, you will start to see the hardships, storms, and shipwrecks of life as the God ordained means to fulfill his promises to us: to shape us, mold us, change us, and make us more and more into who He has called us to be. True safety in the storm is not found in the absence of shipwrecks, but belief in the presence of an all powerful Sovereign God who is present with us, who is for us, and who we belong to.