The Beatitudes
This morning as we continue in our study through the gospel according to Matthew we consider The Beatitudes from Matthew 5:1-12. Jesus gives commendations and descriptions of the good life. Jonathan Pennington writes, "As prophet and sage, Jesus is offering and inviting his hearers into the way of being in the world that will result in their true and full flourishing now and in the age to come." In the sermon we see the following:
1) What is blessedness? What is the good life? What is the way of flourishing?
2) Why is it blessed? Why is it the way of flourishing?
3) How do we have it?
Jesus teaches us that a life of flourishing and blessedness is a way of living that seeks first the kingdom of God. It places ultimate importance on what is ultimately important, the rule and reign of Jesus. As we consider The Beatitudes in the context of the story of the gospel according to Matthew, we also see how we can have the good life. Would God give us grace to adopt this way of being in the world for our joy and the joy of others.