Evil Under the Sun

Jun 2, 2024    Daniel Englehart

This morning as we continue in our study through the book of Ecclesiastes, we consider the Preacher's observations about evil under the sun in Ecclesiastes 4:1-16. The Preacher describes the oppressions and injustice that are committed in the world and that those who are oppressed have no one to comfort them. Toil and work that is motivated or springs from one person's envy of another is also vanity and a striving after wind. Work, riches, and political advancement are all fleeting pursuits. In the midst of the evils under the sun, the Preacher commends friendship. Ecclesiastes 4 points forward to our Good and True Friend, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the King who went from His throne to prison and death. He went from riches to poverty. He emptied himself and took on the form of a servant. Jesus is the answer to our deepest need. Two are better than one and Jesus is the One we most truly need.