
Nov 19, 2023    Daniel Englehart

Today we consider one of the two offices of the church, the office of deacon. We want to be a church that seeks to model our structure and leadership after the New Testament. We believe this looks like a team of elders and deacons that serve alongside the saints in the work of ministry. Deacons could be described as doing the following three things:

1) They serve

2) They support the ministry of the Word and prayer

3) They show the love of Jesus in tangible ways

Mark Dever and Paul Alexander summarize the work of deacons in this way, "Deacons serve to care for the physical and financial needs of the church, and they do so in a way that heals divisions, brings unity under the Word, and supports the leadership of the elders. Without this practical service of the deacons, the elders will not be freed to devote themselves to praying and serving the Word to people. Elders need deacons to serve practically, and deacons need elders to lead spiritually."

Deacons can reflect the love of God and service of our Lord Jesus Christ. Deacons serve as examples to the church that greatness is defined by serving others. Deacons can show the love of Jesus and help the church grow as servants of Jesus as we serve from the overflow of Jesus' service towards us. We pray that we could reflect the love of Jesus to others, as we love as He first loved us, that others would encounter Jesus in word and deed.